Ideas, Stories and Beer Talks

Streets and Shutter

Streets and Shutter


It’s easily the most enjoyable and frustrating form of photography – taking it to the streets. It allows you to appreciate your surroundings just a little more, especially in our ridiculously fast-paced society. Now stop, and look around. We could have walked passed certain areas a hundred times, in a pace so fast that nothing is of interest…well if it’s not a fella getting robbed or stabbed, why should it be of concern?

It can be hair-pulling, teeth-grinding, belly-bloating, fff-rust-rating, if the subject that you really want to capture just didn’t turn out right in pictures. It can be a pretty heart-warming feeling when a stranger looked into your lens and gave a faint smile. Whatever it is, we really shouldn’t be too bothered by it because at the end of the day, life is often unpredictable.

What’s your story today?

